Dr. Bookworm - Children's book reviews by a pediatrician

Where Are My Books? by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Where Are My Books? by Debbie Ridpath Ohi

Where Are My Books? By Debbie Ridpath Ohi (published 2015)

I’m a bibliophile, clearly I am.  And I suspect that Debbie Ridpath Ohi is too.  Where Are My Books? has so many charming details, not the least of which is the fact that the main character states that amphibian books are for after-lunch-story-time . Of course they are.  I have kids—I know their rigid schedules and beliefs especially at the younger ages.  (I’m not even going to tell you what my friend calls the terrible threes and fours that follow the terrible twos.  I won’t tell you because this is a family site, dammit.  But if you know me and see me around, I’ll whisper the words to you. Or if you are said friend, well, thanks for making me laugh that day.)  Ahem, anyway, having lived through multiple meltdowns, I also know what it’s like when a favorite book goes missing.  Nobody sleeps.

Where Are My Books? opens with Spencer reading his favorite book with his mom at bedtime.  Then the book goes missing.  Then another one is missing and another.  The culprit?  Must be his little sister, right?  Ohi takes us on a journey that’s surprising and endearing.  As someone who knows that books can be dear friends, well, I understand Spencer’s predicament.

Little Lion Bookworm reading I'm Bored.  Yes, that's a bandaid with Kion from Lion Guard. (This picture and the thumbnail above were posted with permission from LL.)

Little Lion Bookworm reading I'm Bored.  Yes, that's a bandaid with Kion from Lion Guard. (This picture and the thumbnail above were posted with permission from LL.)

BTW, I met Debbie at an SCBWI meeting earlier this year.  We bonded over Star Wars and she was gracious enough to doodle a pic of Little Lion Bookworm as Princess Leia on my newly purchased copy of I’m Bored (illustrated by Ohi and written by Michael Ian Black).  Who knew at the time that LL had already turned over to the dark side?  If you’re on Instagram, follow her @inkyelbows where you can see some of her inspiring doodles.  I especially am impressed with the ones in which she takes a piece of food and makes it into something unexpected.  

Debbie Ridpath Ohi, if you’re reading this, can you please write Night-Night, Narwhal! or Beluga, Beluga now?  Ohi has fantastic titles on Spencer’s bookshelf, so fantastic that I want them to be real. No wonder his books went missing…..

Rating: Lowest bookshelf.  Otherwise if your little one can’t find it, they may think someone has been taking their books…..

Mini-Me Bookworm: For anyone who has ever wondered where their lost things go, this book's for you!

Little Lion Bookworm Review and Rating: I like the surprise ending.  Buy it!  And buy I’m Bored also. 

Below is Little Lion's transformation to the dark side (all pics posted with permission):

Debbie, may the Force be with you!

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