Dr. Bookworm - Children's book reviews by a pediatrician

Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True

Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True

I had NO idea that there was going to be a sequel to Uni the Unicorn, especially as Amy Krouse Rosenthal passed away last Spring.  However, I do know that the picture book publishing process is a long one and she likely finished this book several years ago. Having said that, I can't help but think that this is Rosenthal's swan song, and what a beautiful one it is. 

I can't quite keep the fact that I know about her death out of my mind as I read this book aloud to my Little Lion.  While Little Lion saw one dimension, I saw another: a message to Rosenthal's children left behind.  Maybe even especially to her daughter, to whom the first book is dedicated. 

Rosenthal is grieving her mortality, even as she likely didn't know whether how much longer she would live.  Would it be a handful of years or decades?

In Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True (published August 2017), Rosenthal takes us on a journey and where that journey ends is in a good place, but it can also be seen as the place where Rosenthal herself goes away to, bridged by double rainbows.  I'm not going to lie: I have to hold back tears every time I read this book.  I didn't tell Little Lion why as she's taking it at face value, but all I think about is the void that Rosenthal left as she is/was such a force.  But what a legacy she leaves behind.

In this sequel, we (SPOILER ALERT) finally get the moment that was missing from the first book: the little girl and Uni finally meet each other.  Rosenthal is SO masterful at making each word count, making each moment count--in this book and I'm sure in real life too. Brigette Barrager returns to illustrate the sequel, which is even more vibrant than the first.

This is a perfect Unicorn book for your Unicorn-lover.

Side note: read here about the first Uni book and my Dr. Unicorn nickname.

Diversity side note: Well, the unicorns ARE every color of the rainbow....

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