Dr. Bookworm - Children's book reviews by a pediatrician

Thankful and Gratitude notes

Thankful and Gratitude notes

On the way home from our Thanksgiving celebration with the family, I realized that we forgot to say what we are thankful for.  Traditionally we write what we are thankful for anonymously and then place them all in a bag.  The gratitude notes are then read out loud. 

Since we forgot (we also forgot to take a group picture when everyone was there so we only have half the attendees in the picture), the four of us stated our thank yous in the car. 

We each started with family--first our 'little' family, meaning the four of us, then our big one.  Then we said other little things like:

  • the clouds
  • my job--I've been there for over a year now and still loving it (especially with the truly amazing people I work with), but also somewhat importantly because  since I'm working more we are not stressed about money.  Yes, even doctors stress about money.
  • Mr. Bookworm's new job as even though he's working more too (and commuting more), he is challenged and interested in what he's doing.
  • That we live in a country that's not at war
  • That I was able to get tickets to see Hamilton.  Again.  (I'm not kidding, I'm truly grateful because Little Lion really wanted to go and I felt bad that I left her behind last week.) And you can see why Mini Me expressed gratitude for not being at war
  • Our Good Health!
  • The girls' school--we feel so blessed that they are somewhere where they are challenged but also that continues to instill a love of learning for our girls.
  • And mostly, Mr. Bookworm and I always emphasize how lucky we are that we have somewhere to live, always have something to eat, and always have each other.


Back at the end of the summer, I had this idea to send out post cards.  Not necessarily 'thank you' cards, but little cards of gratitude.  I just wanted to go old school and send mail and send these notes for the things that make me smile or warm my heart.  Like my friend who has the kindest heart I know, or Mrs. M at the girls' school, who always goes the extra mile for encouraging the love of books.  Don't be surprised if you receive post cards in the next few weeks. 

Tell Dr. Bookworm!

What are you thankful for?  Any silly gratitude notes, like Little Lion being grateful for the clouds?  Let me know in the comments.  xo

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