First Pages: Everything, Everything

First Pages: Everything, Everything

The first page of Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

The first page of Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon

Everything, Everything First Lines: Nicola Yoon starts off the novel with the perfect lines for a fellow bibliophile.  Madeline is immediately relatable, even if she's living in a bubble.  I do love Yoon's use of various media to tell this story.  More in my review here. 

Side note: I finally finally finally watched the film adaptation of Everything, Everything.  I have a new philosophy on film adaptations--I have to remind myself that they are a different version than the book.  Because otherwise I can't stop comparing the film to the book.  Overall, I thought it was a good adaptation though I had two major qualms about it (SPOILER ALERT): Olly does not do any parkour whatsoever.  Why? It's such a visual thing that they left out.  Also, Maddy in the book is Japanese and African-American with her mom being Japanese-American.  In the film, her mom is African-American.  I guess they didn't feel like explaining her mixed heritage? 

Yoon starts off Everything, Everything with a quote from The Little Prince.

Yoon starts off Everything, Everything with a quote from The Little Prince.

Tell Dr. Bookworm!

If you've read Everything, Everything, you know that Madeline is a book reviewer, with her Life is Short book reviews.  Which one was your favorite?  Do you have a book reviewer you follow?

If you have a First Lines book suggestion for me, feel free to either contact me or tell me the book in the comments.

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First Pages: The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

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