Airplane Reads--Mile High Book Club :D

Airplane Reads--Mile High Book Club :D

In the days before e-readers and smart phones (and having my own kids), I would bring three things to read on the plane: a classic book like Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) or Cannery Row (John Steinbeck), a fluff read like Bridget Jones' Diary (Helen Fielding) and the latest copy of Vogue. Inevitably, the one that got read was Vogue.

Last February when we went on a trip to Colorado, I again bought my copy of Vogue from an airport newsstand. Of course it hardly got read as I was instead paying attention to Little Lion and I believe that's when I finished When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi.

What I always remember when I browse the airport book selection, is Molly Giles talking about dreaming of seeing her book at the airport. I always thought this mark of achievement was interesting and I wonder how e-books have changed which and how many books are sold at the airport. Giles taught at SFSU when I was at the writing program there before she moved on to Fayetteville, Arkansas. I still remember reading Iron Shoes. And, yes, I've read at least one novel by all my writing professors in undergrad and grad school.

In fact, one of my big dreams when I was younger was to be in the nostalgia section of Vogue, which seemed to me to be another bar of achievement. Another writing teacher of mine achieved this goal and I was a bit jealous AND indignant when I read her piece. There was nothing wrong with it but I remember being disappointed in her novel and main character because I just didn't believe her arc. Her short stories, on the other hand, were more poignant and believable. So I felt like she didn't 'deserve' that honor.

It's been a while since I've had a Vogue subscription but I still admire the magazine. I'm an old soul though and miss reading the daily funnies from when Calvin and Hobbes was in print. (Or maybe you'd consider me a young soul or young at heart instead.)

We just returned from a vacation in Maui with my family.  What did I end up reading this time around? Well, Mr. Bookworm (hookworm and bookworn came up on spell-check, of which my husband is neither) is a writer too and he's been working on an early reader chapter book that has all three of us in stitches. Partially because there are a lot of inside jokes, partially because we just 'get' his humor, and mostly because it's just good. That I had a hand in naming its working title doesn't hurt either.

And, yes, I did read the July issue of Vogue, which was awfully thin. Less ads? Maybe. There are definitely less fashion spreads or photos with their articles, which makes me sad. I did read about Halima Aden, a 19-year-old high end fashion model who just happens to wear a hijab. And, even at such a young age, her words remind me of what we keep saying and hearing in the world of diversity in children's literature. "I want girls to be able to flip through a magazine and see someone who looks like them."

I guess print Vogue is going the way of newspapers and the dinosaurs, and the magazine is instead focusing on their online version. I'm not sure if this makes me a dinosaur, but I prefer print to websites still, though I'm often reading the news on my laptop. I will add that they did have a wonderful spread (text and many images) about Zendaya, who was featured on the cover as well. And a great article about the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards.

What else did I read?  Yes, I had time to read more than one book because I skip around!  Besides, Mr. Bookworm’s book, I read two chapters of Twilight for our read-along.  I started Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, more later as I plan to write a review recommendation about it. But can I just mention that I love that the two main characters loved the film The Jerk, which is one of my (and my sisters’) favorites as well?

The real ‘find’ for me was The Princess Bride by William Goldman.  This film was also a big favorite among me and my sisters, but I have never read the novel, abridged or not.  I read Goldman’s introduction to the 25th and 30th editions and then read the first two chapters of the novel.  I have to admit I loved Goldman’s rambling non-sequitur introduction (shocking, right?), though certain parts made NO sense to me until I had a discussion with my husband.  And then it all fell into place, especially with some uses of words before their time in the actual novel.  But what time does the novel take place, anyway?  I guess we’ll have to piece it together.  Having read the beginning part to The Princess Bride, I have a better appreciation for this fairy-tale like adventure.  And, yes, Mr. Morgenstern/Mr. Goldman, you did have an instant classic on your hands, and a wonderful tale of ‘true love and high adventure’ that has a lovely campy/cult feel to it. I may even like the novel more than the film.  

If you’re wondering how I had SO much time to read on a five-hour flight with kids, wonder no longer:

Little Lion was on her kindle and reading the whole time too.  Her choices?  Wings of Fire: The Hidden Kingdom (Book 3) and The Brightest Night (Book 5).

Tell Dr. Bookworm:
What do you read on the plane?

Let us know in the comments!


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