First Pages: Wayward Son

First Pages: Wayward Son

[If you haven’t read Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On yet, click out of here right now! Too many spoilers are here!]

Rainbow Rowell starts off Wayward Son with an epilogue. Yes, an EPIlogue not a prologue. And the book IS an epilogue of sorts—a story about the aftermath of Carry On after Simon Snow has defeated the villain.

But…it’s not exactly a hero’s ending, is it?

I love that Simon Snow isn’t sure what to do with himself after he’s beaten the Mage. I mean, he’s stuck with wings and a tail, which I think would be cool, if a bit conspicuous in London. Can he still fly? Does he need magic to do so? Can he live without magic?

Rowell has brilliantly started off the first pages of Wayward Son with Simon in a slump. There should be a happily-ever-after or the next adventure, but instead, Simon is definitely depressed. And both Baz and Simon aren’t sure what do with his depression. Self-doubt covers everything around them.

What Rowell does so well in these first pages is that she turns all of our expectations on their heads so we HAVE to read on. Even just to see how Simon and Baz will work things out.

Couple that with the fact that I know there’s a road trip across America and you have me sold. Completely sold.

Mini Me, of course, finished this novel right away. So I must finish it soon before I ask about too many spoilers. (And also so I can get that Kansas song out of my head…)

First Pages note: For November 2019 since I’m working on on NaNo novel, I’m going to add special First Pages features of books all published this fall.

I started the First Lines and First Pages series in November 2017 as a homage to National Novel Writing Month. In the tradition of one of my previous writing groups, I decided to 'share' the first lines of successful middle grade and YA novels in order to figure out what made them successful first pages. I posted as many as I could in November, and now post the series on the first of every month (or close to it). Please let me know in the comment section if you have any First Pages book recommendations.

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