All tagged Non-profit Organization
"In caring for Molly, insurance only went so far-her friends and family helped make up the difference by raising money and making personal donations. The Molly Bear Foundation, named in loving memory of Molly Elizabeth, is a community devoted to taking care of one another. The goal of the foundation is to pay it forward by providing supplemental financial assistance to families raising children with Trisomy 18." ~ Erin Brown
"The Ruthie Lou Foundation was inspired by the love, care, and support that my daughter's team of health professionals showed my family. We were guided through our time with Ruthie Lou and it has made all the difference as we navigate our life without her. In creating this non-profit, I wanted to offer the same compassion to other families experiencing the loss of their beloved baby." ~Amie Lands
Do you remember your first book? I certainly don't. I've read too many.
I do remember going to the library and checking out stacks and stacks of books. And my sisters teasing me by calling me a bookworm. I wore that moniker proudly and I still do.
Though I still love to go to the library, I love owning copies of my favorite books.
This is where First Book comes in.
First Book is a non-profit organization that aids in distributing books to low income or at-risk communities.
It's been cold here in Southern California. Freezing, in fact. Or...I guess what the Bookworm girls and I call "California Freezing" or "California Cold" because we are scientists and we know that it's not technically freezing here.
I will tell you that I've never been truly cold at night. Unless by choice via camping. I know that there are many people and homeless families sprouting up all around this area. And there are teens too.
Now that I work in a private practice I don't see these teens. But they're out there, running away from something, or taking care of themselves for some time now. And I'm always torn about how I can help.
Featured Fridays: I'm featuring a non-profit organization every Friday for the nine Fridays leading up to what would have been Macy's ninth birthday.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep is an organization that provides volunteer photographers to document the life of infants who are born still or who live for a only short time.
I posted a letter to Macy on my Caring Bridge site on her one year birthday. At the time of my pregnancy with her, it was my lifeline to my supportive family and friends.
I wanted to share what was going on with us, but I did not want to have to say my story over and over again. So I did what I do best: I wrote about it. I wrote and wrote, and so many people sent me messages of support, either on Caring Bridge itself, or by email, or in person. Or even verbal messages through my sisters and parents.
Featured Fridays: I'm featuring a non-profit organization every Friday for the nine Fridays leading up to what would have been Macy's ninth birthday.
I didn't know the logistics of what it would be like to give birth to a baby who may or may not survive the birthing process. Enter the St. Joseph's Perinatal Comfort Care Program.