All tagged make a difference

Featured Fridays: Molly Bear Foundation

"In caring for Molly, insurance only went so far-her friends and family helped make up the difference by raising money and making personal donations. The Molly Bear Foundation, named in loving memory of Molly Elizabeth, is a community devoted to taking care of one another. The goal of the foundation is to pay it forward by providing supplemental financial assistance to families raising children with Trisomy 18." ~ Erin Brown


Mix It Up AKA The Friendship Orange

Little Lion’s second grade teachers have started a new thing this year and I love it.  I don’t know what they call it, but I’m officially calling it “Mix It Up”.  Each month, they are placed at certain lunch tables on Wednesdays and that is their Wednesday lunch group.  The teachers mix up the kids so they sit with that group on Wednesdays only.  The rest of the week, they get to choose where to sit.

It’s a brilliant idea.  Little Lion is making new friends and reconnecting with old ones.

Featured Fridays: The Ruthie Lou Foundation

"The Ruthie Lou Foundation was inspired by the love, care, and support that my daughter's team of health professionals showed my family. We were guided through our time with Ruthie Lou and it has made all the difference as we navigate our life without her. In creating this non-profit, I wanted to offer the same compassion to other families experiencing the loss of their beloved baby." ~Amie Lands