Boos and Rules

Boos and Rules

Little Lion and one of her besties from last Halloween AKA Zita the Spacegirl and Rainbow Dash. (posted with permission) Thumbnail picture is of my turmeric latte from Cafe Gratitude.  Yum!

Little Lion and one of her besties from last Halloween AKA Zita the Spacegirl and Rainbow Dash. (posted with permission) Thumbnail picture is of my turmeric latte from Cafe Gratitude.  Yum!

Some tips and tricks for Halloween

There are likely millions of articles out there for Halloween safety, so I won't go into depth on this one, just a list plus one golden rule that may save the life of those who you love. 

Boos and Rules could also be titled 'Booze and Rules'.  I'm not lecturing about drinking on Halloween, or really about not drinking and driving on Halloween, but about how you can avoid being a victim.  Someone I love was run over by a car last week.  She looked both ways in a parking lot, and some guy backed up quickly, ran her over and drove away.  A hit and run, in every sense of the meaning.  She is recovering and she is alive, for which my family is, of course, grateful.  But she is still in the hospital and recovery will be a long road.  The driver hasn't been found.  Was he under the influence?  We don't know. 

What did she do wrong?  Nothing.  But a year or two ago, there was a hit and run accident in this area that involved three children who were trick-or-treating.  They were 12-13 years old and were crossing the street while texting.  The driver was under the influence, and he took off.  He also then hid with the help of his mother, I believe.  This driver was caught, but at what cost?  There are three dead children involved. 

Now, it's entirely possible that he would have run the girls over even if they hadn't been texting.  But, what if?  I'm not blaming the children, but sometimes you have to be proactive.  What if they hadn't been preoccupied while crossing the street at a dark intersection?  Too often I am walking through the parking lot and I see several people staring down at their phones while going to their car.  I always want to scream at them to pay attention to the cars around them!  And, perhaps I have been guilty of not paying attention when crossing the street or walking in parking lots myself.

But, maybe we all need a reminder:  Don't text and walk. 

Tell your kids, especially those who are old enough to go trick-or-treating on their own.  Don't text and walk.  It's that simple.

Have a safe and happy Halloween, fellow bookworms!

One of Little Lion's pumpkins she 'carved' last year.  Looks like an adorable piggy to me.  Posted with Permission.

One of Little Lion's pumpkins she 'carved' last year.  Looks like an adorable piggy to me.  Posted with Permission.

Halloween Boos and Rules:

  • Someone in the group should wear light-colored clothing.  Maybe the parents if they aren't dressed up too.
  • Bring a flashlight and/or light up glow sticks, bracelets, necklaces so it is easy to spot you.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street.
  • As above, don't text or look at your phone while crossing the street!!!  Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Don't forget to check your Halloween candy to make sure it hasn't been tampered with.
  • Don't go to houses if all the lights are off.  Either they have run out of candy or they cannot come to the door, or they do not celebrate Halloween.  Or they're out taking their littles trick-or-treating and will be back soon.
  • When your kids are tired, it's time to go home.  Parents, don't be greedy--you don't need that much candy in the house. 
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