Snapshot of Dr. Bookworm: Reading the in the middle of the night

Snapshot of Dr. Bookworm: Reading the in the middle of the night

Snapshot of Dr. Bookworm: It’s 4am here. But I woke up to go to the bathroom and now I’m in the middle of my favorite part of one of my favorite books so I might as well stay up to read, right?

Okay, that’s not entirely true. I’m past my favorite part (the bridge scene) but I love the whole second half of Where She Went by Gayle Forman.  So I must complete it to the end, right? 

Any other bookworms/book dragons read in the bathroom in the middle of the night? 

This is how my insomnia propagates, except today I can pass it off as jet lag. 

Sweaty mid-hike photo cred: my twin sis in portrait mode. Mini Me thought I’d hate the picture but I think it captured that moment perfectly.

Funny side note: I cracked my phone screen twice in Hong Kong and haven’t fixed it yet so I’m stubbornly reading WSW beyond a spider web of a screen.

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Hibernate With Me

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Bookworm Family SHIPS