Why I Keep Coming Back to Princess Leia
Why I Keep Coming Back to Princess Leia
Since I started the blog, I’ve dressed as many Star Wars characters over the years. Princess Leia, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Chewie, an Ewok, C3PO, Lando Calrissian. Some others I’ve contemplated and gathered items for like Qui’ra, Rey, Rose Tico. But I keep coming back to Princess Leia.
Today, on May the 4th, I keep wondering
It’s not because she’s a princess. Or a space princess.
It’s not because she fell in love with the reluctant hero.
It may be because she was snarky before that was a word. She had gumption and strength. But it’s more than that.
Carrie Fisher was a force to be reckoned with. Period.
Long after I watched the original movies, my teenage self loved seeing When Harry Met Sally with Carrie Fisher as the bestie. And, here’s the thing: I didn’t realize that it was her. Years later I made the connection.
And years later the prequels and sequels came out and Carrie Fisher became a mother, a writer, and continued to be an actress in a Hollywood that ages out female actors much faster than male. She inspired so many in her words and actions.
And was, in a word, an icon.
So, yes, I continue to circle back to Princess Leia and the woman who made her an icon. Could another actor have done it? I’m not so sure. So on this May the 4th, I raise my light saber to Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia.
TL;DR Princess Leia is an icon.
Princess Leia paved the way for some of my other favorite characters in the Star Wars universe, Rose Tico and Fennec Shand.
Carrie Fisher made into art by Annie Mgo.
“Take your broken heart. Make it into art.” -CF
“I got to be the only girl in an all boy fantasy, and it’s a great role for women. She’s a very proactive character and gets the job done. So if you’re going to get typecast as something, that might as well be it for me.” —CF, On her role as Princess Leia