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All tagged giving back
It's been cold here in Southern California. Freezing, in fact. Or...I guess what the Bookworm girls and I call "California Freezing" or "California Cold" because we are scientists and we know that it's not technically freezing here.
I will tell you that I've never been truly cold at night. Unless by choice via camping. I know that there are many people and homeless families sprouting up all around this area. And there are teens too.
Now that I work in a private practice I don't see these teens. But they're out there, running away from something, or taking care of themselves for some time now. And I'm always torn about how I can help.
Featured Fridays: I'm featuring a non-profit organization every Friday for the nine Fridays leading up to what would have been Macy's ninth birthday.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep is an organization that provides volunteer photographers to document the life of infants who are born still or who live for a only short time.