The Sound of The Smiths

The Sound of The Smiths

I’ll admit it. Sometimes I sit in the driveway listening to an NPR story, just like they talk about. Other times, the girls and I sit while listening or re-listening to a song while figuring out a lyric. Or just because we’re singing along and the song isn’t over yet. Today Mini Me put on The Smiths Singles.

We are on a Smiths kick. Especially because we just saw Morrissey at the Hollywood Bowl. I’ve always wanted to go to the Hollywood bowl. To be able to go with my daughter AND see Morrissey? Beyond anything I’ve dreamed about.

I think of the bowl as the place where Eric Stolz takes Lea Thomson/Amanda Jones in Some Kind of Wonderful. I’m sure I could look up where it really was but I don’t want to. I just like that that movie scene was the first one I thought of when I arrived at the bowl. You see that was one of my favorite movies in 7th/8th grade. Coincidentally, I discovered The Smiths in 7th grade too. And one of the songs we were listening to in the car? Ask by The Smiths, the first song I heard by them on the radio.

Particularly, I had new thoughts to ‘if it’s not love then it’s the bond that will bring us together’. I love the connotations surrounding that thought of a new friendship. And I love that I was bonding with my girls over The Smiths.

[Yes, I’m aware of Morrissey’s current politics as I read that article just this week. Yes, it sucks. I guess people change. Or stay the same as it were.]

My girl is thirteen years old. She’s an old soul and much more mature than I was at her age. Yet I still see glimmers of myself in her. Is it narcissistic to say that I love that?

Maybe, maybe not. Because she’s beyond a new and improved version of me. And has so much to offer this world. I feel blessed to be a part of it all.

Yes, I’m listening to The Smiths while writing this (There is a Light).

And yes, I will always love The Smiths and every melancholy, nostalgic, happy feeling that comes along with it.

Please note that it’s National Novel Writing month. So even though I’m behind in posting on the blog, I’ve decided to just do short posts this month so I can focus on my novel.

Is there a band/musician that you loved in junior high/middle school that you still love now? Let me know in the comments.

The Scientist and the Dreamer

The Scientist and the Dreamer

First Pages: Dragon Masters: Rise of the Earth Dragon

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