Bookworm Family Activities

Bookworm Family Activities

Mr. Bookworm and I are still holding onto a lot of family-oriented activities. Like our Family movie nights on Fridays, originally inspired by one of my attendings when I was a resident. 

Sometimes lately these movie nights have shifted into Doctor Who nights, but the point is that we watch the show or movie together. In an age of easy streaming and a bunch of devices per household, this is a huge bonding time for us. 

So it may come as no surprise to you that all four of us went to the Muse concert at the Forum together. 

This was Little Lion’s first concert though Mini Me went with us to see Hey Marseilles and The Lumineers when she was younger. I went to my first concert when I was in 8th grade. My dad drove me, my twin, and our friend to see Love and Rockets at Universal Ampitheater before it got turned into Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. He waited outside for us and I’m not sure how he passed the time. But he did because he loves us. 

Going to Muse was a family event because they are one of Mini Me’s favorite bands right now and all four of us are fans. So, it was the perfect first concert for Little Lion….except for the time change. She was REALLY tired, despite the large carton of popcorn and ring pop that I brought. And despite MUSE rocking it out. It was really one of the most dynamic concerts I’ve been to, and I’ve been to a LOT (mostly as a teen).

So toward the end, as it neared 11pm, we went to our go-to. I let Little Lion read on my phone. :D

BTW, we brought Mini Me’s kindle with us when we saw Hey Marseilles, but they were the second band on, so she only needed it while we waited for the show to start. And for the Lumineers, she was SO excited (again at age 7) to be there but she did ask to leave before they even came on because she was SO sleepy. I refused because we drove all the way out there and the Greek Theater’s stack parking meant that we would have been sitting in the parking lot anyway. And it was a fantastic show.

Though maybe the next thing we should tackle are music festivals? The problem is that it’s usually one of the headliners that we want to see and they usually go on last anyway.

All in all, it was a good family event. One that I hope they remember when they are older, just like I remember all the things (concerts, zoos, dance and music performances) that my dad took us to. And, yes, he attended most of them, just not the rock concerts. :D

The next Bookworm family event? The L.A. Times Festival of Books, of course. Can’t wait!



