A re-introduction to Dr. Bookworm
All in Doctorly Musings
A re-introduction to Dr. Bookworm
Reading/Listening while waiting in line in my car to pick up my kids.
When I was in medical school, I remember listening to a poet bravely pour out her soul to us as we sat in our usual spots at Sackler Hall.
Today I have to tell myself to stop reading the news. There’s only so much I can do.
What am I doing instead?
I’ve pulled out something from the archives: my Calvin and Hobbes collection.
Which book are you looking to dive into first this summer?
Here's a confession that you may or may not be surprised by: I've gone to therapy.
It may come as NO surprise to you that I decided to Disney Bound to work on Wednesdays!
This is what almost 20 years of marriage looks like. What almost 28 years of being together looks like. Patience. Tolerance. Knowing each other so well. And knowing what you can and cannot accept from/for your partner.
Happy Mother’s Day to all of you, but especially those of us with empty arms. xo
How do you balance the calm with the anxiety? The need to know current news with the need not to bombard your kids with every detail of what’s going on?
Do you know what trisomy 18 is?
I thought I did when I was a med student and resident. I thought I did until I found out that my daughter had trisomy 18.
There are a lot of talks out there about who you should or shouldn’t follow on Instagram, especially if what you’re scrolling through doesn’t make you feel good about yourself.